Manifesting Abundance In The New Year: 6 Tips For Creating A Life You Love

Manifesting Abundance In The New Year: 6 Tips For Creating A Life You Love

Between reintegrating back into society and surviving a year of astrological retrogrades and eclipses, it may seem like manifesting a life full of abundance is a near impossible feat. But there’s no shortage of magic when you have the right mindset — and luckily, there’s plenty of prosperity, happiness, and love to go around. When it comes to the magic of manifesting, visualization is the ultimate tool for success, so being able to conceptualize your ultimate desires beyond the scope of a wild and tumultuous year full of uncertainty is of utmost importance. Looking to bring some manifestation enchantment into the new year? Whether you seek financial abundance, a sincere relationship, or the time to enjoy it all, — we’ve got you covered.


All In A Year’s Work 

Reflect Earnestly

Take an honest dive into your year in review. Using your journal, take stock of your wins and losses. What were you able to manifest in 2021? What did you plan to manifest in 2021 that didn’t come to fruition? Reflecting on what worked and what didn’t will help you pick up where you left off, gain the foresight you need to succeed, and find your bearings in the year to come.


Ground Yourself 

Hone In On Your Intentions

If your desire is the flame, your motivation behind it is the fuel. You can plan for the perfect relationship and all the money in the world, and it’s okay to desire abundance — but none of it could take shape without the intent. Why do you want excess income? Why do you want a healthy, loving relationship? What would you gain from the life you want? To create the reality you want, you’ll need to get to the center of why you want it.


Construct The Blueprint

Build Your Roadmap

Create a vision board (or a Pinterest board!) to create a blueprint of the reality you seek — and get specific. Sure, you want that nice sky rise condo in the city, but what accent colors do you want for the walls? If you want extra free time for leisure, think of the new hobbies or methods of relaxation you’d take up now that you have more time. Once you can physically envision your desired reality you can create a roadmap for the next month, three months, and year it’ll take to get there.


Mind Over Matter

Embellish The Mundane

Speak your new life into existence. Replace all ifs from your vocabulary and replace it with when’s. Write about your new reality as if it’s the only life you’ve ever known. When you go on that second date, how will you feel? When your career as an artist takes off, what vacation will you take?


Adopt An Attitude Of Gratitude 

Live With Gratitude Everyday

Take a moment to be grateful for what you manifested in 2021 through whatever form of gratitude is comfortable for you. Light a candle, start an offering jar, take a crystal bath in honor of your wins, scribble all that you’re grateful for in your journal — however you wish to show gratitude. What happened in 2021 that makes you glad to be alive? Surviving another year is something to celebrate. Manifesting abundance starts with being grateful for the air you breathe which makes it possible at all to enjoy the life you already have.


Cut Ties With Stagnant Habits

Release That Which Holds You Back

Rid yourself of people, situations, and habits that make it hard for you to attract the abundance. Is working long hours keeping you from the dating scene? Does your daily routine make it impossible to pursue your business ideas? Identify the habits that are hurting the process and try to replace them with healthier ones. Create non-negotiable boundaries like time to go out and meet potential partners or to make art.


Final Thoughts

2021 was full of uncertainty and discomfort, as change snaked its way into another year. With all of the stress of assimilating to a new normal, it’s easy to get discouraged by manifesting abundance in the new year. But with the right mindset of gratitude and speaking your truth into existence, you’ll find abundance is much easier than it seems and that it’s more about cultivating an expansive state of being than it is about having more.

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